Monday, January 19, 2009


Today started bright and early with a 6:30am wake-up call. We took a three-hour bus ride to the remains of Delphi. It was probably some of the most impressive remains we’ve seen so far. Delphi was home to the most influential oracle in Greek history and the site of worship for Apollo. The site is chock full of temples, treasuries, a theatre, and a stadium. The journey across the site was quite intense. It was filled with steep hills and winding pathways.

The Delphi museum was beautiful. The sphinx that used to stand in the middle of the site on a ten-meter column was amazing. The sheer size of it was intense. It was also filled with many statues and carvings that depicted Hercules. For the longest time, I heard Heracles and had no idea who was being talked about. To not sound stupid, I never asked. Not until Friday did I realize we have been talking about Hercules the whole time. Heracles is the Greek pronunciation and Hercules is the Roman. Go me! Hahah

The bus ride back seemed to take forever. We stopped at a very large taverna for a late lunch and then I tried to fall asleep on the way back but couldn’t. My ipod managed to not run out of charge-thank gawd!

That night we went to an Italian restaurant where we got wine, salad, pizza, and pasta. It was a great meal and was a great beginning to a great night. We started off with frivolity on four floor and various rooms in the hotel. We then ventured to Classics and Mass Club. It ended for me with Swiss Chocolate gelato and facebooking.

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